Lee Live: Photographer.
9, Burnbank Grove, Straiton,
Loanhead, Edinburgh, Midlothian,
Scotland, UK, EH20 9NX
e: lee (at) ourdream.co.uk
Your Business and Event Photographer in Edinburgh - Call me now: 07703 781 140
Your Business and Event Photographer in Edinburgh
Park at Tyninghame Beach Car Park at the bottom of Lime Tree Walk. Nearest Post Code is EH42 1XW (though don't follow it all the way as it sends you into private land.... continue along A198 and go down Lime Tree Walk). Best using
W3W or Google Maps
Cost £3.00 via cash machine (also takes card via RingGo 21005). Mobile signal is patchy in that area.... so check you have cash just in case. Though, if you are intending to use East Lothian beaches a lot then they offer a season ticket for £50 (order online). The car park is very busy at weekends so it is recommended to avoid going between 9:30am and 3:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays as the road is closed to cars as soon as the car park is full! No parking is permitted between 11pm and 4am.
Peffersand Nudist Beach (unofficial) is at the northern end - shown on the left in the image below, though when then kids are in school the beach is quiet, and so naturist tend to venture further towards the Ravensheugh Beach end - which I totally recommend as there are no rocks in the water in that section.
Hot midweek days in the summer are perfect for this beach. There is no-one around except the occasional dog walker. So you can venture further away from the Peffer Sands towards the Ravensheugh Beach end... shown in the image below. But do avoid school holidays and weekends.... unless the weather is cold, as it just won't be feasible to walk naked along the beach without raising a few eyebrows. The nudist beach of Peffersands is a little further along before the burn.. but I prefer a sandier location show below.
The tide does go out really far so it is best to time your swim around 1 hour either side of high tide -
Check the Tide Times.
IMPORTANT: Swimming close to the shoreline is recommended when the tide is going out. This is because cross currents and riptides can be strong and difficult to identify from the beach. So please make sure you can stand up to walk out of the water. Also, the water can get quite rough on windy days so just take care.
You may also spot the occasion seal swimming in the water too. The tide goes out very far -- avoid the temptation to pitch on the shore for swim when it is out as you'll get marooned when it comes back in either side of you.
The water quality is amazing... and no need to worries about sewage here as there are no overflow pipes entering the water (see map). SEPA monitor the water quality just up the coast at Seacliff - Check Water Quality
From the Car park take the first left... If the gate is not open go around to the fence behind the bushes.
Walk to the end of this path.... and then carry on past a gate. (Don't turn right along the road as that'll take you to the Log-Cabin)
Go beyond this gate and then follow the woodland pedestrian path to the right...
Follow this path towards the beach.. (ignore the one going the other way as that is to Harvest Moon Holidays -- but a sign tells you that)
It doesn't take long to get through this woodland area... though it can be a little muddy if it has been raining...
You'll eventually see the dunes in the distance.... keep on the main path and go over them.
Once you get up onto these dunes you'll see the beach..
From here just head to the left... the further along you can go the better it is to strip off without anyone else coming along..
Edinburgh Skinny Dipping Stories facebook group.
Tuesday 17th June: 11am - 2pm: Picnic and Skinny Dip at Peffersands Nudist Beach (unofficial)
Register interest here: https://www.facebook.com/events/995849375798840
Let's reclaim Ravensheugh sands (near Peffersands end) as a Nudist Beach. Bring a picnic and a windbreaker
Park at bottom of Limetree Walk (£) [Nearest postcode EH42 1XP not exact] then take the path to the LEFT to the dunes - takes about 20 minutes to walk.
Tuesday 19th August: 10am - 2pm: Picnic and Skinny Dip at Peffersands Nudist Beach (unofficial)
Register interest here: https://www.facebook.com/events/3804135729917298
Celebrate the Schools going back by relaxing on a sun-baked beach!
Meet at Lime Tree Walk Car Park 9:30am
Let's reclaim Ravensheugh sands (near Peffersands end) as a Nudist Beach. Bring a picnic and a windbreaker
Park at bottom of Limetree Walk (£) [Nearest postcode EH42 1XP not exact] then take the path to the LEFT to the dunes - takes about 20 minutes to walk.
Lee Live: Photographer.
9, Burnbank Grove, Straiton,
Loanhead, Edinburgh, Midlothian,
Scotland, UK, EH20 9NX